Dec. 2013
Belated Birthday Greetings! Were you 39?
My husband was 35 when he was killed. My children were 12, 10, 7 & 2.
What a job!!
The Lord does heal and restore!
You are young, so you will be like new!
So glad to hear the surgery went well. Now as we look to the Lord for complete healing, may He give you peace and patience while you wait on Him.
I Love You
Grandma Pals
Dear Ones,
We give thanks to God for your continued prayers & support!
Have you seen him?
By now, you have most likely seen pictures of Tim on a tractor, or Tim on the lawn mower.
You may have even seen Tim driving our van around Borculo/Olive Township. (Thank you to those of you who have contacted me, letting me know of his whereabouts.)
When the nurse removed Tim's boot last week, she took one glance in the boot and said, "There are grass clippings in here! Have you been operating a lawn mower?" The doc came in later, firmly reminding Tim that he CANNOT be operating machinery due to a med he is on, specifically, morphine.
Physically, from a leg standpoint, Tim is able to drive. Medically, from a prescriptive standpoint, no way. We are in the process of weaning Tim from the meds that prevent him from being "allowed" to drive/operate machinery, and we pray this goes well. Looking ahead, Tim will be advancing to new and more challenging therapies, and pain is going to be a natural part of this process. We pray that Tim will tolerate what is needed in order to heal, without the heavy-duty narcotics, so that he can strive forward to living more independently.
Many of you have commented, "The beautiful weather must help lift your spirits, Tim!"
Although the weather is amazing, it can also be torture for Tim as he watches everyone else do what he normally would be doing at this time of year. Tim loves to work outside on the farm and barn. But his injuries, particularly the open wounds, currently limit his participation in "normal" farm life. He would give just about anything to be farming, but the risk of infection with open wounds is too great a risk to take, and he understands how much an infection could set him back. He is being as compliant as possible, and we continue to pray for patience as we live day to day.
Am I surprised that he has taken off with machinery or vehicles? No.
But I would hate for another accident to happen, involving him, our children or another person while Tim is driving or operating machinery. Although I keep close tabs on Tim, I do ask that you please take note and let me know if you see him driving or operating machinery. Thank you!
For example, here is a picture of Tim in a tractor from plow day, but notice he is in the rider's seat. Not the driver's. :) You can imagine how excited Tim was to ride in this tractor, of Rog Nagelkirk, of Zeeland.
Tim's Life Lately...
Tuesday, May 20 ~ Physical Therapy session at home & Work
The last time Tim was in our basement was the morning of the accident, 5 1/2 months ago, when he checked the corn-burning furnace, as usual, before heading out to butcher & spread manure.
We give thanks to God that Tim is able to make it safely down & up the flight of 16 steps to our basement today, May 20, during Physical Therapy!
Tim grips the railing with his left hand & tucks a crutch under his right arm, and slowly but surely, makes it safely down our stairway to our basement. You can imagine the emotions that flood our hearts due to this accomplishment.
After standing at rest for a few minutes, he regains strength to return up the stairs, this time gripping the railing with his right hand & tucking the crutch under his left arm.
When he reaches the top of the stairs he asks me, "Do you think I could do this today when I go to work?"
Delighted, I ask, "WHY NOT???!!!"
On a typical pre-accident day, Tim would work from an upstairs office at Quality Machine & Automation, on Manufacturer's Drive in Holland. Tim has not been in the upstairs office since Friday, Dec. 6. Since returning to the building for work, Tim has been working out of different main-level areas; most recently, the front office, with secretary Kara. :)
Tim completes the remaining typical 90-minute Physical Therapy Session; and after ice & elevation, I drive Tim into work.
He makes it up the stairs and into his office!
You can imagine the emotions of entering the office, once again.
Who knew it would be today? What a GIFT from GOD! WHAT A GREAT DAY!!! Here is a picture of Tim in his upstairs office. :)
I give thanks to God for Kenton, who drives Tim home from work.
Wednesday, May 21 ~ I drive Tim into work. He works for part of the day. I give thanks to God for Kenton Zeinstra, who drives Tim home.
Thursday, May 22 ~ Tim speaks at Byron Center Christian School, K-8. We give thanks to God for this welcoming community of believers, and for the OUTSTANDING way they praise & worship God the Father! We pray that God would use His story to bless the lives of others!
I drive Tim into work, where he stays for a few hours, and I give thanks to God for Kenton, who drives Tim home.
Physical Therapy Session begins at 5:30 pm. You can understand how different PT is during the late- afternoon hours than during morning or even noon hours. We understand how important it is to accomplish therapy throughout the day, at various targeted hours during the day, so that the body strengthens in different ways at different times of day, when muscles and joints behave & respond differently.
Friday, May 23 ~ I drive Tim into work, and I give thanks to God for Kenton, who drives Tim home from work. Physical Therapy Session begins at 5:30 pm. We give thanks to God for Doug and Amy Levering, and their 4 children Katelyn, Jonathan, Kelly and Jenna, who take our 4 children overnight. Tim and I pick up a prescription from Meijer and then head out for a bite to eat at the Farmhouse in Zeeland, owned by Harley, the same owner of the Spot, where I (Teresa) have been working, and LOVING every minute! :)
Saturday, May 24 ~ PLOW CLUB IS ON! We give thanks to God for those who are able to help plow the home field and the rented field across the street from Mom and Dad Vander Zwaag, where the accident happened. Here are some pictures of the plow day.

This is a picture of Tim watching Ken Kooiker plow. We give thanks to God for Ken, who organized the plow day!

Cousins Steve and Eddy Vander Zwaag wrenching on the tractor. :) THANK YOU FOR HELPING!!!

We give thanks to God for the following farmers who helped plow!
Ken Kooiker, Organizer - Blue Ford Tractor
Cousin Steve Vander Zwaag - Massey Ferguson 283
Earl Overbeek - International
Steve Kragt and Son, Cody - John Deere
Hank Balder - International
Jon Van Nuil - John Deere
Brian Koeman , Son & Grandson - Minneapolis - Moline
Kevin Cook - International 1260
Roger Nagelkirk - John Deere
Ted Brouwer - Massey Ferguson 180
And one farmer whose name Tim cannot recall, who was driving a John Deere. :) If any of you know his name, please let us know! Thank you!
Here are some plow-day links. I will also include a blog post featuring only the plow-day pictures and documents.
Tim's brother, Doug, is married to Laura. Laura's dad, Reggie Haanegraaf, and his friend, Daniel Athey, are hobby photographers. We are thankful that they were able to join us for the plow day. They took beautiful pictures, posted them, and here is the link to their pictures:
They also created a video, set it to fun banjo tunes! They posted it to You Tube, and here is the link:
The Holland Sentinel is one of the media sources who continues to follow Tim's story. A reporter and photographer showed up for the plow event. Here is the link to the story.
THANK YOU, to BROTHER BRENT, for spreading manure today! Haven't had the stomach to snap a picture of this piece of equipment yet. :) One day. :)
Sunday, May 25 ~ Grateful to God to go to church as a family. We leave the wheelchair in the van. Tim uses wheeled walker. Tim sits on a pillow in the pew with our family. We are honored to attend the combined graduation open house of Cousins Sam (Calvin College) and Charlie (Grand Rapids Christian High School) De Vries, at Plymouth Heights CRC in GR Sunday afternoon. We love to spend time with family in "normal" settings; instead of hospitals or rehab centers. :)
Monday, May 26, Memorial Day ~ We give thanks to God the Father for our veterans and for those who continue to serve our country! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE, so that we can enjoy freedoms and blessings EVERY DAY!
We give thanks to God for a beautiful Memorial Day...starting with a family breakfast together at home: bacon, eggs & toast. We enjoy a competitive, fun game of baseball in the front yard. Honored to attend the annual Memorial Day Service at Olive Township Cemetery. Tim's dad, Gene, (Vietnam veteran) is one of the speakers. Tim's youngest brother, Kevin, (active Army Reserves), surprises the crowd by showing up in a Hum-V. :) Home nurse visits Tim.
From left to right: Sean, Luke, Caleb, Joel, Jared, Lilly, Elma, Lena, Ryan, Carter. Uncle Kev holds Violet.
Tim & Teresa's kids are: Caleb, Joel, Lilly & Luke.
Brent & Nikki's kids are: Jared, Sean, Ryan and Carter.
Doug & Laura's kids are: Lena, Elma, Violet.
These are all of the 11 current grandchildren, ages 12 and under, of Gene and Carole Vander Zwaag.
Tuesday, May 27 ~ Physical Therapy Session at home. I drive Tim into work, and I give thanks to God for Kenton, who drives Tim home.
Wednesday, May 28 ~ Doc appts. in GR: hand therapist and Dr. Do, reconstructive surgeon. We give thanks to God that all looks as it should!
Head wound remains healthy and healing. Dr. Do determines that a skin graft is not needed at this time. Wound is to remain clean, dressed and covered as it heals.
Pressure sore on Tim's left heel remains healthy, and it continues to heal.
I continue to provide daily wound care for the head wound, pressure sore, and I clean between Tim's toes to prevent sores from developing. I place cotton squares between each toe to keep this area dry and clean.
Tim's free flap on his lower left leg remains closed and thriving.
Tim's left-hand ring finger has reached its limit. It is determined that the resetting and casting of Tim's finger is complete. Therapist splints Tim's finger. We are not surprised to find that a pressure sore has developed this past week on Tim's left-hand ring finger knuckle. With the amount of pressure that Tim has been placing on his casted finger by using his walker & crutches, a pressure sore is bound to have developed. I will treat the sore as it heals.
Tim's right arm and hand remain numb and cold, due to surgical positioning from the Jan. 8 surgery. Dr. Do is prepared to operate in due time, when, Lord-willing, Tim will be walking, free from walker or crutches. Right now, it would not be wise to operate on Tim's arm, as he relies on his hand and arms to walk with the walker and crutches.
We meet with docs again next week, when the compression stocking arrives. Docs will fit the stocking to Tim's leg. A compression stocking is needed in order to prevent swelling of the leg, ankle and foot. The less swollen Tim's leg, ankle and foot are, the better his overall leg will move as he rehabilitates. More than likely, he will wear the compression stocking for the long-term. He will also need to elevate his leg, whenever possible, in the long term.
Upcoming, Lord-willing:
Thursday, May 29 ~ 90-minute Physical Therapy Session in our home. Later, I will drive Tim into work, and I give thanks to God for Kenton, who plans to drive Tim home.
Friday, May 30 ~ 90 min. PT session in our home; I will drive Tim into work, and I give thanks to God for Kenton, who plans to drive Tim home.
Saturday, May 31 ~ Get Saturday stuff done! :)
Sunday, June 1 ~ Church with family.
Monday, June 2 ~ Home nurse will visit. Tim would like to head into work.
We give continued thanks to God for your faithful prayers and support! All glory and honor to Him Alone!
May God continue to bless and keep you!
Winter 2014
Dearest Ones,
I saw the article on Wood TV 8 concerning your accident. I'm very sorry.
In 1968 my husband had a similar farm accident. He had his clothes torn off from him also. He also lost his left arm. He died at age 72 years old in 1992.
I would like to come and see you in a few weeks when the weather clears. I shall call and make an appointment. I can't wait to see you.
(Betty visited a few weeks after we received her letter. What encouragement it brought to all of our hearts to meet one another and share about life's greatest treasures.)
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