Thursday, May 29, 2014

Plow Day

Saturday, May 24, 2014 ~ PLOW CLUB IS ON! We give thanks to God for those who are able to help plow the home field and the rented field across the street from Mom and Dad Vander Zwaag, where the accident happened. Here is a plow-day post collection. :)

Plow Day Video is above, created and posted to You Tube. Thank you to Daniel Athey for creating this!

Who is Daniel Athey?

Tim's brother, Doug, is married to Laura. Laura's dad, Reggie Haanegraaf, and his friend, Daniel Athey, are hobby photographers. We are thankful that they were able to join us for the plow day. They took beautiful pictures, posted them, and here is the link to their pictures:

The Holland Sentinel is one of the media sources who continues to follow Tim's story. A reporter and photographer showed up for the plow event. Here is the link to the story.

Here is a picture of Tim watching Ken Kooiker plow. We give thanks to God for Ken, who organized the plow day!

Cousins Steve and Eddy Vander Zwaag wrenching on the tractor. :) THANK YOU FOR HELPING!!!

We give thanks to God for the following farmers who took time to participate in plow day!

Ken Kooiker, Organizer - Blue Ford Tractor

Cousin Steve Vander Zwaag - Massey Ferguson 283

Earl Overbeek - International

Steve Kragt and Son - John Deere

Hank Balder - International

Jon Van Nuil - John Deere

Brian Koeman , Son & Grandson - Minneapolis - Moline

Kevin Cook - International 1260

Roger Nagelkirk - John Deere

Ted Brouwer - Massey Ferguson 180

And one farmer whose name Tim cannot recall, who was driving a John Deere. :) If any of you know his name, please let us know! Thank you!


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