Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Hebrews 12: 1 - 3
Dear Family and Friends,
We give thanks to God for another week of life in Christ! Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!
"People may think, well, it was a broken femur, broken leg, etc. There's soft tissue damage here. There's much more going on here than healed broken bones." ~ Dr. Ringler, yesterday, May 19.
Two Examples of Some of Tim's Goals (set by docs):
1. Weightbearing as tolerated, with boot.
2. Put on and wear a tennis shoe as tolerated.
Goal # 1 is coming along, as Tim is placing about 50 percent of his body weight into his steps with wheeled walker and/or crutches.
Goal # 2 is a long-term goal, Lord-willing, one that we may reach 6-7 months from now.
These are just 2 of many goals that Tim has to work toward meeting.
What have you been up to lately, Tim???
Monday, May 12 ~ I drive Tim into work for a few hours. THANK YOU to friend Kenton Zeinstra, for driving Tim home after work! Home nurse comes to our home to check on Tim. We give thanks to God that vitals are great and open wounds are healthy and healing well.
Tuesday, May 13 ~ Physical Therapist works with Tim in our home, for the regular 90-minute session. Physical Therapy happens daily. Tim needs to complete daily physical therapy exercises and just generally getting around provides therapy.
Tim's typical physical therapy session includes:
a. evaluation of Tim as he practices "weightbearing as tolerated with boot" - learning to walk again.
Tim's current boot weighs about 15 pounds and provides plenty of great resistance as Tim rebuilds muscle and gains strength. This is the 4th boot that Tim has been prescribed since the accident. Each boot has served a specific purpose and has filled a need for Tim at that time.
Tim takes steps with walker (Tim has always used a walker with 2 front wheels to take drag out of stepping) and crutches.
Therapist evaluates Tim's steps, balance, strength, endurance, and form of his complete body as he takes steps.
Tim is truly learning how to walk again.
Sometimes the therapist evaluates Tim as he takes steps in our open-concept home. Other times, she evaluates his steps outside on the concrete approach in front of our garage. She has recently added evaluation of Tim taking steps around the kitchen island.
We remove the counter chairs from the island so that the island is completely barrier-free for Tim. Under the therapist's direction, he places his left hand on the countertop of the island. He keeps a crutch under his right arm. And he steps around the island, counter clockwise. He completes 20-30 rounds around the island.
The therapist agrees with Tim that he is able to tolerate placing about 50 percent of his full body weight onto his left leg as he takes steps with the walker/crutches. This is awesome!
b. Stretching, Muscle Building & Passive Pressure
Tim lays in our bed. Therapist removes his boot. Tim's foot, ankle and calf are wrapped and compressed as incisions and pressure sores heal. Therapist stretches his foot, ankle, leg, hip, and back. She places passive pressure on his foot to promote movement in his ankle joint. Therapist measures Tim's movements. She is able to passively push Tim's foot to 1 degree past normal. Tim is unable to pull his foot up this much on his own. His foot has to be pushed to this point by someone or something else. Tim will lay on his stomach with his foot hanging over the foot of the bed, or Tim will lay on his back or right side as she works with him on stretching and passive pressure.
Tim also works on rebuilding muscles in key areas as he regains strength through resistance exercises. Remember, the boot weighs about 15 pounds, so it provides plenty of great muscle-building resistance!
c. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation:
Therapist leaves. For 30 minutes, Tim is to rest in bed with foot iced and elevated above his heart. This process prevents swelling so that Tim can move well throughout the day.
I drive Tim into work, and I give thanks to God for Kenton, who, again, drives Tim home.
Wednesday, May 14 ~ I drive Tim into work and I pick him up. We head home. THANK YOU to Cousin Jonathan Levering, for meeting us at home to drive Tim into GR for appt. to reset & recast Tim's left hand ring finger! Resetting and recasting is a painful process. We give thanks to God for allowing Tim to tolerate this weekly process. While there, Tim is also fitted for a compression stocking, which should be ready in 1-2 weeks.
Thursday, May 15 ~ 90-minute Physical Therapy Session in our home. I drive Tim into work, and I give thanks to God for Kenton, who drives Tim home from work.
Friday, May 16 ~ 90-minute Physical Therapy Session in our home. I drive TIm into work, and I give thanks to God for Kenton, who drives Tim home from work.
Tim and I are honored to attend the wedding of our Cousins Erin and Mike Velzen's oldest child, Aaron Velzon, & Joni Holsem. The wedding takes place at Kellogsville CRC and the reception is at Thornapple Point Golf Club. What a blessing to be with family! THANK YOU to Katelyn Levering, who watches our children for us while we enjoy the wedding and reception.
Saturday, May 17 ~ Antique Plow Club is unable to plow due to wet field conditions. Conditions permitting, the Antique Plow Club is set to plow this Saturday, May 24 at 9 am. They plan to meet at our home field first, then plow the field where the accident happened.
THANK YOU to Brother Kevin, who hauls corn to our farm. THANK YOU to Brothers Brent and Doug, who grind feed! Dad Vander Zwaag supervises. Tim keeps up on the lawn mower.
Sunday, May 18 ~ Grateful to attend church as a family. Tim leaves the wheelchair in the van and uses the walker to get into church. I park far away from church so he completes therapy while walking through the parking lot into church. He sits in the pew with us, on a pillow. :)
We are honored to attend the high school graduation open house of my cousin's third child, Andrea Velzen. The open house takes place at Remembrance Reformed Church, where my cousins attend. Andrea graduates from Calvin Christian High School and plans to attend Calvin College this fall.
Monday, May 19 ~ Rack 'em, stack 'em doc appts. in GR! Tim and I drop our kids off at school at 8 am. We drive to GR to fulfill 3 doctor appts.:
a. 8:45 am: we meet with Aric, hand therapist, for resetting and recasting of Tim's left-hand ring finger. Aric is able to reset & recast Tim's finger at 8 degrees from normal. We meet with Aric again next week.
b. 9:45 am: post-op appt. with Dr. Anderson, who 2 and a half weeks ago, surgically released Tim's tendons in his foot to correct the positioning of the ankle. Incisions look great and sutures are removed. We meet with Dr. Anderson again in 6 weeks.
c. 11 am: we run errands, get an oil change, make phone calls, etc., eat lunch
d. 1:30 pm: meet with trauma and orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Ringler. Dr. Ringler is the doc who performed Tim's Dec. 8 surgery. He put a rod through the center of Tim's broken femur, put a pin through Tim's displaced hip, a pin just above Tim's knee, and secured Tim's broken ankle with 3 plates and 11 screws. He also performed and ordered several surgeries following, for irrigation and debridement of Tim's crush injury at the ankle. All looks ok for now. We meet with Dr. Ringler again in 8 weeks.
We give thanks to God for safe travels and favorable reports to and from doc appts. today!
Upcoming, Lord-willing:
Tuesday, May 20 ~ Physical Therapy and Work
Wednesday, May 21 ~ Work
Thursday, May 22 ~ Tim speaks at Byron Center Christian School chapel, 9 am. Physical Therapy Session at home, then work.
Friday, May 23 ~ Physical Therapy Session at home, then work.
Saturday, May 24 ~ Antique Plow Club meets at 9 am at our home, conditions permitting.
Sunday, May 25 ~ Church and combined Graduation Open House for Cousins Sam (from Calvin College) and Charlie DeVries (from Grand Rapids Christian High School). Open House will take place at Plymouth Heights CRC in GR.
Monday, May 26 ~ Memorial Day...
Traditionally, our family attends the Olive Township Memorial Day Service at the Olive Township Cemetery, where Tim's Dad, Gene Vander Zwaag & Uncle Glenn (Vietnam Veterans) & Brother Kevin (active - Army Reserves), participate in the Color Guard ceremony.
Thank you for your faithful prayers. We continue to live day to day.
We abide in Christ and in God's tender mercy. He alone is in control. We give all glory to Him.
Someone is thinking of you today...even more than you know!
Hope your surgery went as planned today - with the optimal desired results. With the number of prayers and people on your side, you will be running a marathon by this time next year.
Love to You All,
Aunt Kathy
(Aunt Kathy Fauble is one of our weekly card-senders; always a strong encourager) :)
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