Sunday, April 20, 2014

Update / Prayer

Dear Family and Friends,

Blessed Easter! This is The Day!

Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014
Good ol' timer shot! 
Speaking of Easter...
Every fall, Tim heads to southeast South Dakota, where he enjoys a long weekend of pheasant hunting with others.
2012 SD Hunting
Tim, Caleb, Dad (Gene) and Brother Kevin


2013 SD Hunting
Tim & Joel
Before Tim leaves for hunting, he and I revisit our "emergency plan," which basically involves our reviewing & verifying updated information with primary contacts, if "something were to happen to Tim."  Jokingly, he always throws in a list of names of men who he would have me marry in case of his death. Ha. Ha. NOT! In fact, this conversation leaves me feeling sick to my stomach, but we need to talk the details through...just in case...minus the list of guys.
This fall our conversation was no different than before, and like the years before, Tim returned from his trip safe and sound. 
One week later, Dec. 7, minutes after the accident, Tim told God outright, that he was ready to go home, meaning, Tim's Heavenly Home. God obviously has different plans for Tim, as God delivered Tim from death, and raised his broken body back on the tractor in the field, and guided him to safety in His time. Tim is still alive with us, at his earthly home on 112th Ave.  
Like most "firsts" since the accident, we cherish our time together differently than before. Tears of joy and thankfulness come easily for us, especially on a day like today, Easter Sunday.  
Above all, we are in awe of God's grace. We give thanks to God for His gift of salvation through His son, Jesus Christ. We are ever grateful for the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. We pray that God continues to provide us with strength as we strive to live, reflecting our love for God.
We give thanks to God for another week of life! Thank you for your continued cards, meals, food, gifts, and visits! We are humbled and ever grateful to God for each one of you!
Monday, April 14
Over Spring Break, we had a parent-Kinder project to do: Adventures of Flat Stanley. Here's a picture of our youngest child, Luke (6 1/2 years old), and me with "Flat Stanley." (Yes, Tim took this picture the day this project was due, right after I woke up, so Luke handed it in a day late. My bad. Oh, well.) Caleb, Joel, and Lilly, our older children, were also assigned the Flat Stanley project in Kindergarten, and it was Luke's turn this year. The last parent-student project were lighthouses for our 3rd and 4th graders, Joel and Lilly, while we were in hospitals and rehabs. We give thanks to God for the Levering family who stepped up to help with the lighthouses in our place. We are grateful to God that Flat Stanley's Adventures with the Vander Zwaags happened at HOME.  


This is the report Luke and I wrote together to fulfill the assignment: "Flat Stanley's Visit to HOME! While Flat was visiting Luke's HOME, he did these exciting things: 1. Spent time together - with me (Luke), Mom, Dad, Caleb, Joel, Lilly, Bow Float (my cousins' Poodle), Sunshine (my kitty), and Creeper (the green thing - Minecraft character). 2. Snuggled with me and my mom. 3. Watched Bow Float get ready for his bedtime in his cage. 4. We read, sang and laughed together. I showed Flat Stanley my puzzle that I put together! Stanley had a FUN visit and hopes to visit again soon!"  -
Kids went off to school, and Tim worked from home on his computer.
Early afternoon, Tim's home nurse calls to plan her arrival time of 2 pm. As usual, she touches base with Tim, verifies medication lists with us, checks and takes measurements of his open wounds, takes his vitals, and reviews Tim's physical and emotional status.

Tim's "candy," a.k.a. meds. Tim is due prescriptions, vitamins, supplements, etc. @ 6 am, 8 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 4 pm, 6 pm, 10 pm, and midnight, and obviously, starting over again at 6 am.

I'm thankful that I am able and available to manage and distribute the pills for Tim. Usually, I am able to sleep between 1ish am - 5ish am. Although I'm not always right on time with every dose, I am pretty close!

Many things have changed following the accident, including our relationship. It has continued to change as we have moved home following Tim's hospitalizations. Moving beyond the husband-wife relationship, we also have a patient-nurse relationship, backseat driver/rider - taxi-driver relationship. You know, that kind of thing. The only thing I can relate it to from my life is a parent-child relationship. Tim's wheelchair reminds me of the stroller. The prepping of Tim's scheduled meds reminds me of preparing food for an infant, etc. But where's the Dad of the child? Oh, the dad is the "child." You can understand that the adjustments in our relationship, for each one of us, are significant. Some of you can relate to Tim, being completely independent one moment, to completely dependent on those around you the next.    
Physical Therapist calls to set up arrival time for Tuesday's home session.
Chores go well. Thank you to my brother, Jeremy, for helping with chores throughout this week. 
Tuesday, April 15
Tim works from home on computer/phone. Physical therapist comes to our home in the afternoon. Chores go well. I go to Body and Soul class.
Wednesday, April 16
Tim works from home on computer/phone. Afternoon doc appts:
1. Reconstructive Surgeon (NE GR): We give thanks to God for a great report! Doc recut/cleaned into pressure sore to continue to promote the healthy healing of the deep sore. Open wound on head is healthy and healing. Trying the addition of a certain absorbant dressing to head wound. Muscle flap and skin graft are looking great.
During this appointment, I received a call from the orthotics office, letting me know that Tim's custom boot had arrived. We set up an appointment for that afternoon. 
2. Hand Therapist: We give thanks to God that after heat and pressure, Tim's left-hand ring finger was recasted at 10 degrees from "normal"/ zero (0) degrees. 
3. Orthothics (Medical Mile, GR): We give thanks to God that the further fitting of Tim's boot has begun. We were able to take the boot home with us, but it is not ready for Tim to bear weight on his left leg while wearing it. It requires more adjustments this week.
The pictures below show the coin that Tim earned for being part of research. Butterworth's trauma unit (or I should write...OAM = Orthopedic Associates of Michigan, which is who has treated Tim since being at Butterworth) is nominated by the Department of Defense for research. Tim agreed to be a part of the research. from what we understand and hear, coins are a "big deal" in the life a a military person. We took some close-ups for you to see the coin.  


Physical Therapist calls to arrange arrival time for tomorrow's session.
Chores go well.
Thursday, April 17
Physical Therapy in the morning.
Tim works from home on computer/phone.
I start training at the Spot, an adorable ice cream/burger place just down the road from us, in Borculo, at Port Sheldon & 96th Ave. I am working diligently on my form of twisting the soft serve ice cream just right! I love the light-hearted, fast-paced nature of this job, that it is nearby, that I can throw on a hat and wear comfy clothes I already own, and that it offers flexible shifts! Best of all, I love the people with whom I will be working. This type of job makes a lot of sense for our family right now. I admit that while there, I love not thinking of things like ooze and wound dressing changes. I return home in time to give Tim his meds.  
My side of the family comes over for supper to celebrate birthdays and Easter. (Mom and Dad Fauble, Marc & Jana - my sister - and their kiddos, and my brother Jeremy). Great time!
Chores go well.
Friday, April 18
Luke's Kinder class leads the Good Friday chapel at school, which we are honored to attend.
I drive Tim into work, where he stays for 4 hours. While Tim is at work, I pick up prescriptions and run errands.
We attend Good Friday service. Beautiful.
Chores go well.
Saturday, April 19
I go to Body and Soul class.
We vacuum and wipe down the inside of the van, and wash the outside of the van. We wash down the Suburban. We organize the garage and sweep the garage floor. 
We are all outside together, for much of the day.
I work at the Spot.
Thank you to brother Brent for doing chores.
Gorgeous Day!
Sunday, April 20
Easter Sunday service. Awesome.
Burgers (a.k.a. crabby patties made with Vander Zwaag beef, topped any way you want 'em!) for lunch.
Played outside. Enjoyed time together at home.
Beautiful Day!
Looking ahead, Lord-willing, at a new week:
Monday, April 21 - Tim would like to go into work for a few hours. Home nurse will visit in the afternoon.
Tuesday, April 22 - Physical Therapy session at home 
Wednesday, April 23 - Appts. in GR with Hand Therapist for recasting of left-hand ring finger and with Orthotics for Boot fitting.
Thursday, April 24 - Physical Therapy session at home
Friday, April 25 - Tim would like to head into work for a few hours.
Saturday, April 26 - Tim speaks at a breakfast at Bethany CRC on 32nd Street on the south side of Holland.
Sunday, April 27 - Celebrate Easter and birthdays with Tim's side of the family.
Thank you for your continued and faithful prayers, love and support for our family. We are ever grateful for you all!
Join us as we continue to glorify God each day, one day at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for that update. I have kept Tim and family on my daily prayer list and will continue to do so. Praise the Lord! So glad your Easter was blessed. Our God is awesome!
