Monday, April 28, 2014

Update / Prayer

Dear Family and Friends,
Join us as we give thanks to God for another week of life in Christ, here on Earth!
Here is a picture of our precious driveway. What a blessing to drive into our driveway! It is SO GOOD TO BE HOME as a FAMILY! This is what the end of our driveway usually looks like in the fall and spring. We realize that "before we know it" these 4 2-wheel bikes will soon turn into vehicles. We are enjoying these very special years with our children. The kids love to ride & park their bikes at the driveway post in the mornings. Then when the school bus drops them off in the afternoon, they hop on their bikes & zoom to the house.
Here is a video of daily chores. We shared this on Facebook, and we also wanted to include it here on the blog.  
During Tim's hospitalizations and rehabs, Brothers Brent and Doug handled these chores daily. They also handled the "big" chores: spreading manure, grinding feed & helping with the butchering.
Our week went a little something like this:
Monday, April 21 ~ Drive Tim into work for 4 hours. Home nurse arrives to our home at 2:20 pm to check in on Tim. Measures open wounds, reports that open wounds remain healthy and healing. Vitals are great! Tim's foot continues to remain at "foot drop" stage. We report to the nurse that Tim's left big toe is also showing new signs of unresponsiveness. It continues to fall forward and Tim is no longer able to wiggle his big toe. Swelling in Tim's leg, ankle and foot continue limit Tim from meeting physical therapy goals. We call the doc to set up the first available appt. (Friday afternoon) to take a look at the new developments that could be happening with his leg/ankle/foot.
Tuesday, April 22 ~ Physical Therapist arrives to our home at 9 am for session, which goes as well as it possibly can. Tim works from home on computer and phone . I trained at The Spot (the local, adorable and delicious ice cream shop!) Body and Soul Aerobics in the evening.
Wednesday, April 23 ~ Appts. in GR.
Hand Therapist: After the usual 1 hour of applying heat and pressure, hand therapist is able to recast Tim's left-hand ring finger at 5 degrees from "normal."
Orthotics: After 2 hours of adjusting, orthotics determines that more adjusting is needed on the custom-fit boot.   
Thursday, April 24 ~ Physical Therapist arrives to our home by 10:15 am for session, which goes as well as it possibly can. Tim works from home on computer and phone.
Friday, April 25 ~ Drive Tim into work, where he stays for a few hours.
Doc appt. in GR regarding leg/ankle/foot provides reminders of which we are not surprised. We agree with the doc that it is time to move forward with outpatient surgery to correct ankle positioning, so that Tim can eventually & hopefully walk on his left leg again. We anticipate that the surgeon will cut through scar tissue and possibly lengthen tendons in order to correct the positioning of the ankle. This outpatient surgery does not come as a surprise to us. Early on, docs prepared us that we may need to take steps, such as this outpatient surgery, in order to help Tim heal. Physical Therapy following the surgery will continue at home in due time.
I train/work at The Spot!
Saturday, April 26 ~ Body and Soul aerobics. Later, Tim and I are honored to share what God has done in our lives through and since the accident with dear ones at Bethany CRC in Holland.
Sunday, April 27 ~ We give thanks to God that we are able to go to church together, as a family. We celebrate Easter and birthdays with Tim's side of the family at Mom and Dad Vander Zwaag's house. Great time!
Monday, April 28 ~ Drive Tim to work, where he stays for a few hours.
Home nurse comes to check in on Tim. Just like last week, we give thanks to God that all looks great!
Upcoming, Lord-willing:
Tuesday, April 29 ~ Physical Therapy at Home; Tim will work from home.
Wednesday April 30 ~ Hand Therapy appt. to recast Tim's left-hand ring finger.
Thursday, May 1 ~ Tim has outpatient surgery on left ankle to correct positioning. Time of surgery to be determined.
Saturday, May 3 ~ Borculo's Dandelion Festival! Tim and I plan to ride on the antique manure spreader in the Dandelion Parade! (NO PTO attached!) Bring your family and friends to this FUN event! You will love it!
We would like to share the Dandelion Festival Events with you, just in case you are able to join us!

Friday, May 2, 2014:

CHICKEN BAR B Q at the Borculo Chr. School. 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. ½ chicken dinner for $8.00 at the school gym. Catered by Beechwood Inn of Holland.

Call school office at 616-875-8152for tickets by APRIL 30.

Saturday, May 3, 2014:

COMMUNITY PANCAKE BREAKFAST – In the Borculo CRC church basement from 7:30 AM – 10:30 AM. (Free will donation for breakfast.)

Family Fun Run: Borculo Chr. School. Begins at 8:00 a.m. Call the school to register and for more information: 875-8152.

CARNIVAL/CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES – Church parking lot from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Bounce Blow-up activities, face painting, popcorn, children’s games, pony rides, rescue vehicles, etc….

DANDELION PARADE – 11:00 a.m. – Downtown Borculo

Lunch Hot dogs & Pizza will be served behind the church after the parade.

Popcorn, coffee and juice available all day!!!
P.S. Don't forget to go to The Spot for a DANDELION SUNDAE! :) Lots of options besides the dandelion sundae, if you'd like! :)
We hope you can make it! 
We give thanks to God for a renewed appreciation of time spent together and for the amazing amount of healing that God is providing!
Please pray for Tim as he submits to outpatient surgery on Thursday. Pray that surgeons would be able to successfully position Tim's ankle, according to God's will.
Please pray for Tim emotionally & physically. He is able to go outside with the walker and wheelchair, to where the pavement ends. Still no barn due to open wounds. He longs for the day when he can enjoy "normal" activities once again. In the meantime, we give thanks to God for allowing us to create new normal activities for our family to enjoy together.
Join us as we trust our Great Physician, cling to Him and claim His promises!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear everything continues to move forward for you guys. Continued prayer for Tim and the whole family. Also happy to hear Tims outpatient surgery went well! God bless!
