Jesus Appears to Thomas
Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
"Believers do better. We see it first-hand. Believers have hope. They just do better," said many medical staff to us along this course.
Think about it. When you are a believer, your options are:
1. Live with confidence, believing and trusting God, assured of salvation in Jesus Christ.
2. Die with confidence, assured of salvation in Jesus Christ. Eternal life in Christ, complete healing and peace is ours in Jesus' name.
What do we have to lose? Nothing. As Christians, we only have to gain.
from Phil. 1...Paul writes, from prison ~
Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,
for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
We give thanks to God for LIFE in Christ.
THANK YOU for your continued prayers, love and support!
Friday, June 6 ~ I drive Tim to work. THANK YOU to Libby MacKey, from Tim's shop, who drives Tim home from work! THANK YOU to Brother Brent for grinding feed Friday night!
Saturday, June 7 ~ THANK YOU to Brother Doug for helping with the butchering of 3 steer! Tim and the boys attend the graduation open house of Elizabeth Herrud, a dear friend of our family, who graduated from Unity Christian High School. Lilly and I stay home because Lilly has a fever.
Sunday, June 8 ~ Tim and the boys go to church. I stay home with Lilly.
Monday, June 9 ~ I drive Tim into work. THANK YOU to Libby for driving Tim home from work.
Tuesday, June 10 ~ I drive Tim to Physical Therapy in the morning. PT goes well. I then drive Tim to work. THANK YOU to Libby for driving Tim home from work.
Wednesday, June 11 & Thursday, June 12 ~ I drive Tim into work. THANK YOU to Libby for driving Tim home from work.
Friday, June 13 ~ I drive Tim to Physical Therapy in the morning. PT goes well. Then off to work. Thank you to Libby for driving Tim home from work.
Saturday, June 14 ~ Tim mows the lawn and helps the kids and I accomplish "Saturday jobs." We give thanks to God that our family is able to hang out with Greg and Kris Leegwater and their family at their home in the evening.
Sunday, June 15 ~ Father's Day! Grateful to go to church together as a family! We celebrate with lunch at our home with my (Teresa's) side, and with Tim's side for supper at Brother Doug and Laura's home.
Monday, June 16 ~ Tim is cleared, by his doc, to drive. With guidance and an appropriately set schedule from doctors, we have been weaning Tim from narcotics for quite some time. By this date, Tim has already been off narcotics for a while, but he was not cleared to drive until the narcotics were "out of his system." Tim has experienced many side effects during the weaning process, but God has brought Tim and our family through, and we give thanks to God that we are on "this side" of it. God is blessing your prayers. Thank you for continuing to lift our family in prayer!
I continue to give thanks to God for the doctors involved with Tim's care. From the night of the accident, they have been very clear with me about a narcotic plan and purpose for Tim's healing and rehabilitation. They assured me that they would be committed to helping wean Tim from them, when the days of healing came, and they are keeping their promises.
Many of you can relate to the world of oxy, morphine, valium, etc. There was a time when Tim needed incredible pain masked so that he could tolerate moving, sitting up, getting out of bed, and all that was required to physically rehabilitate. As you can understand, Tim was not fully "our Tim" while on narcotics. We give thanks to God that his personality continues to shine through with clarity, motivation, and purpose!
Tim drives himself to and from work today.
He also drives himself to and from Physical Therapy in the afternoon.
We give thanks to God for continued safety and for steps toward independence that demonstrate God's powerful, healing hand in our life.
The kids and I are excited to participate in Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Borculo CRC, which starts today, Monday, and goes through Thursday, 9 am - 12 pm. Lilly and Luke are Bible schoolers, Caleb and Joel are helpers, and I am a crew leader. We continue to give thanks to God that our family is home together and able to live life!
Tuesday, June 17 ~ Tim drives himself to and from work.
Wednesday, June 18 ~ Tim drives himself to and from work. He also drives our family to and from our kids' church softball game, where Caleb, Joel & Lilly play in a 6:45 pm church softball game at Ebenezer CRC. They play on Hanley CRC's team & they play against 14th St. CRC (Holland) tonight.
Our kids play on Hanley CRC's (Grandville, MI) team because Grandpa Fauble (Teresa's dad) is the pastor there. When able, Grandpa also helps coach this team. We enjoy and appreciate this league so very much. Our three oldest are able to play on the same team, which is just plain awesome, and it helps with family schedule. The games are so much fun!
Thursday, June 19 ~ Tim drives himself to and from work. He also drives himself to and from Physical Therapy in the afternoon. PT goes well.
Upcoming ~
Today, Friday, June 20 ~ Lord- willing, Tim drives himself to and from work.
This evening we will participate in Mike's Diner, a fundraiser for South Olive Bible Camp, which holds a special place in many hearts. Mike's Diner takes place today, Friday, June 20, 5-8 pm & Saturday, June 21, 5-8 pm at South Olive Christian School (6230 - 120th Ave. Holland). Come and enjoy burgers, cheeseburgers, chili dogs, chips, shakes, malts and root beer floats - all served 1950s style! Funds raised will support South Olive Bible Camp 2014.
We also look forward to going to the graduation open house of Casey Meyaard, son of Steve and Julie. Steve and Tim work together at Quality Machine and Automation. Steve, along with the others at Quality, picked up Tim's slack when he was unable to work. We give thanks to God for each one of the people with whom Tim works!
Saturday, June 21 ~ We look forward to accomplishing Saturday jobs. We are excited to attend the graduation open house of Cousin Jacob Nienhuis, who graduated from Zeeland West High School. Jacob was in our wedding, almost 16 years ago, when he was just a little guy. We give thanks to God for blessing him day by day! Jacob is the oldest son of Keith and Nikki Nienhuis. Nikki and Tim are first cousins.
We also look forward to having friends Chad and Keri Zimmerman & Sara and Yaron Oren and their children over for supper. What a continued blessing that we are able to gather with loved ones in homes and not in hospitals or rehabs.
Sunday, June 22 ~ We are excited to attend church together as a family.
Monday, June 23 ~ Tim looks forward to working, Our family will get together with other Faubles for a "Fauble birthday party" at Johnson Park in the evening!
Tuesday, June 24 ~ Tim looks forward to going to work. Physical Therapy is in the morning. Tim looks forward to driving Caleb and Joel to an evening basketball camp, which meets weekly, at Borculo Christian School.
Wednesday, June 25 ~ Tim looks forward to going into work!
Thursday, June 26 ~ Tim looks forward to going into work! Physical Therapy is in the afternoon.
Friday, June 27 ~ Tim looks forward to going into work!
Tim's open wounds continue to heal. Doctors advise him to continue to avoid the barn. He often stands outside of the barn and oversees chores from just outside the barn doors. :)
I continue to LOVE working at The Spot, local ice cream and burger shop, in Borculo (96th & Port Sheldon). DELICIOUS FOOD! If you ever get a chance, STOP BY or DRIVE THROUGH! :)
Overall, we give thanks to God for the opportunity to fully trust God, as we continue to live day by day. God provides for our needs, day by day. We give thanks to God for your love, prayers and support!
To God Be the Glory!
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