Monday, March 31, 2014

Update / Prayer

Saturday, March 22 – THANK YOU to Brothers Brent and Doug, who cleaned manure out of the barn and spread manure in fields. THANK YOU to friend Tim Nienhuis, who came over with equipment and helped Brent and Doug for the day.  THANK YOU to Cousins Jonathan Levering & Jared Bass, and Friend Caleb Brinks, who helped assemble the kids’ bikes (purchased long before the accident as Christmas presents for them) and who helped with odds and ends around the house and farm.

Sunday, March 23 – Went to church together. Kids went to Sunday School & Catechism. THANK YOU to Brother Brent, who came over to bring shelled corn, grown in our field, from the large bin up by the barn up to the house to fuel our corn furnace. Family chores in the barn together. The kids and I are excited to do chores daily together.

Monday, March 24  – Home nurse here.  

Tuesday, March 25 – Tim weaned fully from Gabapentin/Neurontin and placed fully on Lyrica for nerve pain. Lyrica is working well. Afternoon: Physical Therapy session here at home. We give thanks to God that the Lyrica is helping Tim deal with nerve pain.

Wednesday, March 26 – Doc appts. in GR in the afternoon: Recasting of left-hand ring finger between 30-35 degrees. Doc debrided Tim's pressure sore on the back of his left heel to the bone fascia. The sore inevitably formed due to a splint on Tim's leg following the Jan. 8 reconstructive surgery. Doc prescribed Dakins for local daily debridment every 12 hours. Thankfully, Tim cannot feel this because his nerves are not yet restored to this area of his foot. Doc ordered for Tim to no longer wear his very-adjustable prosthetic boot due to pressure sore. The boot is custom-fit to Tim's foot/ankle/leg, and was formed and appears to intentionally avoid contact with the pressure sore. However, as Tim goes through his days and nights, obviously some type of pressure is being applied to this area, or the sore would not have progressed to this point. Without the boot, Tim's ability to bear weight as tolerated is limited at this time. We wait patiently for the sore to heal. Doc ordered for Tim to stay away from the barn as the sore heals. We give thanks to God that Tim's open wound on his head is healing well. Please pray that God would continue to heal Tim.   
Thursday, March 27  – Physical Therapy session here.

Friday, March 28 – Tim went to work from 10 am - 2 pm. Tim started antibiotic, prescribed to Tim that night, an "after-thought" by docs to clear up any possible infection in the pressure sore. 

Saturday, March 29 – THANK YOU to Brothers Brent and Doug for grinding feed. They topped the bins off! THANK YOU to Cousin Jonathan Levering and Friend Caleb Brinks for getting the Suburban running/drivable again.

Sunday, March 30 – We give thanks to God that Tim was able to share God's story in his life with the Niekerk CRC church family during the Sunday School hour.

Monday, March 31 - Nurse here. We give thanks to God that the pressure sore on heel and open wound on head appear healthy. 


Tuesday, April 1: Physical Therapy session here.

Wednesday, April 2: Appt. with reconstructive surgeon NE side of GR

Thursday, April 3: Appt. with hand therapists to reset cast: NE side of GR; Physical Therapy session here.

Friday, April 4: Lord-willing, Tim would like to head into work.   

THANK YOU for the meals and food that continue to come in. THANK you for the gifts of all kinds, the uplifting words and cards of encouragement! THANK YOU for your prayers. The God we love and serve IS AMAZING! BLESSINGS TO YOU THIS WEEK!

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