Monday, December 28, 2015

December 2015: 2-Year Update

Dear All,

As we approach a new year, we continue to give thanks to God for His grace and love.

We wanted to provide a "2 -year" update for you....

We pray that this post provides:

1. An update on Tim's health.

2. An update on Tim's speaking schedule.

3. The link to The 700 Club / Christian Broadcasting Network's documentary on the story.

4. Tim's "2-year" Facebook Post

5. Some basic information about a PTO. (Power Take Off).

General Update: 

We give thanks to God that Tim continues to work full time at Quality Machine and Automation (QMA) in Holland, MI, as a machine salesman. Tim has worked at QMA for almost 17 years.

In addition to working at QMA, Tim also raises corn-fed beef cattle, Holstein steer, on our farm. Currently, we have 50 head of cattle in our barn. Tim butchers the first Saturday of each month. Licensed butcher Keith DeYoung butchers right here on the farm, then delivers the beef most often to Byron Center Meats, where the beef is custom packaged according to each customer's direction. Tim has been raising beef for 21 years.

With the farm comes field work: planting and harvesting corn, soybeans, straw, and hay. We feed the cattle what we raise: shelled corn & ground ear corn. The straw and hay are given to the steer for bedding and roughage. The soybeans we raise to sell (Zeeland Farm Services). 

Currently, when you drive past the farm, you will notice the wheat crop popping up in the field. A variety of chickens are also enjoying life over here. Our roosters enjoy free-range life. Cluckers thinks he rules the roost. The hens are in pens, pecking up grasses, grubs and ground corn. We collect 5-8 colorful eggs/day from our egg layers. The eggs are delicious! We haven't butchered any poultry yet...

Grace, our rabbit, loves as much attention as possible. We have named social farm cats: Snickers, Oreo and Larry. The barn cats remain unnamed. Here is a picture of Lilly holding Snickers.

You can find farm photos, videos and updates on the farm's Facebook Page: Tim's Meats LLC.

1. Tim's Health

Our help in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Ps. 124:8 

We give thanks to God that just the other day, Sat., Dec. 26, Tim celebrated his 41st birthday. He spread manure and then we ventured to Grandma Fauble's home for the Fauble Christmas Party.

The accident happened 2 years ago, on Sat., Dec. 7, 2013. We give thanks to God every day for blessing Tim with continued healing in his life. Our lives have changed, and we continue to make adjustments accordingly. We live life differently than before. God's Grace Is Sufficient. God has provided physical healing and more...and for this we give thanks!

We recently met with Tim's surgeons. Tim struggles with "new" but expected physical issues - issues that are considered subsequent issues from the injuries that Tim sustained in the accident, such as back issues, etc.

The support from the doctors is strong, and we appreciate their help, input and direction as Tim moves forward in life.

Overall, Tim continues to gain strength. The muscle free flap on Tim's left lower leg continues to exhibit health / strong blood flow through veins and arteries. Had this not taken, Tim would have eventually faced amputation. 

Some pictures:

The above picture was taken Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015. It shows Tim's leg in a relaxed state. 

During the accident, one of the injuries Tim sustained was that his lower left leg was crushed to the point where the tissue died. After several surgeries to remove dead tissue and infection, a healthy wound remained. The wound was deep, open to the bone, hardware, and tendons, and it was as wide as the free flap you see above. Instead of amputating, we agreed to try reconstructive surgery, in partnership with U.S. Department of Defense research of lower-limb trauma, which works with docs at Orthopedic Associates of Michigan (OAM) / Spectrum Health. 

The wound needed soft tissue to fill in the "hole," so the docs removed part of Tim's left abdominal muscle and placed it in his leg, also connecting veins, vessels, artery. Although the muscle free flap provides soft tissue to protect the leg, it does not fully replace what was once there, internally. The success of a free flap has much to do with healthy blood flow. We give thanks to God that Tim's body accepted the flap, and that blood flow continues to be be strong & healthy. 

Skin grafting was also needed, so skin was taken from Tim's left thigh and placed over the free flap. We give thanks to God that the skin graft has taken as well!

The position that Tim's foot is in is the most relaxed position possible for his left foot. There is limited movement in his ankle due to scar tissue, but we give thanks to God that it continues to improve! 

The nerves in Tim's foot continue to heal, so his foot is super, duper sensitive. WATCH OUT! Even stepping on a fabric softener sheet will send Tim through the roof! The nerves are healing, but as many of you know, nerves simply take a long time to heal, and nerves that are healing are just plain oversensitive. We don't get too worked up over this, though, because it is very good and important to expose his foot to different textures as the nerves heal. :)

We also give thanks to God that December 2015 x-rays show NO ARTHRITIS in Tim's foot, ankle, leg or hip, all places where arthritis is expected. The doctors are amazed. :) 

(Tim's left leg, hip to foot, is healed, and hardware - several plates, screws and rods - remain.)

The limitations on Tim's movements takes a toll on his overall body, as his right leg naturally overcompensates for the left leg; as his right side / abs overcompensate for the left as he simply lives life, working, farming, etc. He is mindful of stretching, staying hydrated, and simply being very aware of his health. His back and overall muscular health take the biggest toll lately, for which we are praying for and dealing with.  

The above picture was taken on Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015. :)

The above picture was taken 4 months after the accident, @ John Ball Zoo, Spring Break 2014. Can you see the difference in the free flap? 

As expected, the ab muscle has atrophied (shrunk) as Tim's body has accepted it. 

In the above picture, Tim had "drop foot," which was corrected in a surgery in May of 2014, when his Achilles was cut to enable length. We give thanks to God for this!

As you can imagine, we have many pictures of healthy, open wounds and infection-filled wounds. Tim fought many infections for quite some time, head to toe. We try to keep the pics here “low-key,"  but in all things, we GIVE THANKS! God continues to provide incredible healing! 

We have many "milestones" of healing that we can's one:

A tradition - walking the Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day. For many years, Tim walked it. He would push our stroller across or carry one of our kids on his shoulders. 

A simple tradition...

We give thanks to God that this past Labor Day, Tim WALKED the 5.4 mi. bridge. and finished. Aunt Gloria, along with our son, Joel, walked with Tim, and I followed closely behind him. We walk a new speed, and we will take it! For this fulfillment of a tradition, we give THANKS to God! 

2015 Labor Day Bridgewalk Start Line (left to right: Joel, Tim, Caleb, Luke, Teresa, Aunt Gloria, Lilly, Ashley, Dad Fauble, Great Grandma Fauble, Aunt Darlene, Emily, Levi, Jana and Marc)

2015 Labor Day Bridgewalk Finish Line: Joel and Tim

If you have walked the bridge before, you understand how your group can naturally "split up" as the massive crowds of walkers urge you on. We walked at our own pace and we are simply thankful to God that we were abe to fulfill this tradition together once again.  

2. Tim’s Speaking Schedule:

...we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done. Ps. 78:4

Tim continues to accept invitations to share the story of what God has done and is doing in his life with individuals, small-groups, and large groups as well.

Individuals: As Christians, we believe that God's hand is in all things. 

While our family was at the "Half Century of Progress Show," (, in August, we crossed paths with Max Armstrong, an American agriculture broadcaster from Chicago, IL. Next thing you know, God provided the opportunity for Tim to share the story on WGN Radio.

The above picture is (left to right): Max Armstrong, Dad (Gene) Vander Zwaag & Tim @ The Half Century of Progress Show, Aug. 2015.

Small Groups: More recently, Tim spent time with a small group in Grand Haven, MI.

Large Groups: Tim also recently spoke at Ivanrest CRC in Grandville, MI.

Upcoming: Tim has accepted the invitation to speak at the U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc. Annual Convention, in Omaha, Nebraska. This event will take place in January 2016.


Please pray that the message would be clear when Tim speaks: "for the Lord your God, who is among you, is a great and awesome God." Deut. 7:12

3. The link to The 700 Club / Christian Broadcasting Network's documentary on the story.

We have been updating Facebook with the following information. We also wanted to share the following here, on the blog. 

As many of you know, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) / The 700 Club, spent a day here at our home with our family. They produced a documentary about Tim's story. Many people have seen this, and some who have gone through experiences have reached out to Tim to talk about life with him.

Here is the link to the documentary:


We pray that God may be glorified through this documentary!

4. Tim's "2-year" Facebook Post

I give thanks to God that I am able to continue teaching Body & Soul Fitness Classes. On Monday, Dec. 7, 2015, I taught class as usual. I returned home to find Tim typing this on Facebook. I also wanted to include this post on the blog: 

From Tim...

Two years ago tonight, I almost died. But God was not done with me yet. 
I did not think about it too much today until I got out work and it was getting dark and cold. If I think about it too much I would go crazy. When I was in the hospital, they said after two years we will know better what I would be the rest of my life. Well I went to work all day today, picked up Joel from basketball practice, had supper as a family, feed 48 cows, one rabbit, gathered 7 eggs, fed multiple cats and countless chickens and walked the trash can to the road. Not too bad I think. I want to say thank you to all for helping me these past two years.
God…thank you for answering my prayers that night. This was all in your will.
Teresa…thank you for standing by my side all those days. You are unbelievable for going through this. Thank you for being patient with me. I would have not made it without you. I love you and thank God for you daily.
Caleb, Joel, Lilly and Luke. Thank you for being so strong in such a tough time. I am sorry for making you have to go through this. Dad loves you and will always be there for you.
To my parents Gene and Carole, Doug and Claire-thank you for being there for us. We love you.
To my all my brothers and all their wives Brent and Nikki, Doug and Laura, Kevin, Marc and Jana and Jeremy and my nieces and nephews- thank you for taking care of the farm and everything else you did. We appreciate all you did and we love you.
To Greg and Kris for plowing and for your friendship. To Tom and Cheryl for your support in so many ways.
To all the first responders-thank you for getting me to the hospital and stabilizing me.
To all my Drs. - Dr. Kroeze, Dr. Ringler, Dr. Do, Dr. Andersen, Dr. Johnson and all the others. Thank for putting me back together.
To all the nurses, aides and all at the hospitals. Thank you for nursing me back to health.
To all the people at Mary Free Bed- thank you for pushing me. Thank you Liz for working me so hard and encouraging me.
Thank you to those at Spectrum Rehab and Nursing Center - to Andy for coming in on your Sunday to help me recover.
Thank you to all who came to the hospital and other places to visit and encouraged me. We love you all.
To my family and friends, thanks for sitting with me. I love your friendship.
To all who brought food and gifts to the kids and us- thank you.
To all who helped us in ways seen and unseen- thank you.
Pastor Steve and Pastor Al- thank you for your visits and support.
To my local church families- thank you for all your prayers and support.
To Scott and Julie- thank you for all you did. We are grateful for your generosity. 
To all the employees of QMA- thanks for getting by while I was out.
To all who did things around the farm when I couldn’t- thank you.
To the guys who plowed our field and worked it for planting- thank you.
To all who held the benefit concert for us- thank you. To Ron and Karen and Eric, thank you for helping us praise God that night.
Will and Elizabeth- thank you.
To all who wrote me cards of encouragement- thank you.
To all who have allowed me to share how good God has been- thank you.
To all who have talked to me over the past two years to encourage me to move forward- thank you.
To all who have prayed for me- thank you. Prayers are answered!
I could write for hours thanking you all. I know I have missed many more and please understand I am forever grateful to all of you for all you have done. I praise God for you and all your love and support.
I love you all, 

5. Some basic information about a PTO. (Power Take Off):

One frequently asked question with all of this...

What is a PTO?


Around here, it has always been a FEARED, RESPECTED & SAFETY GUARDED piece of equipment. 

We are particularly thankful for the documentary that The 700 Club produced, because it shows the equipment in motion, which helps one visualize and understand the equipment better. 

There are many places where you can read about what a PTO is. I found a pretty basic one that explains things somewhat clearly...posted on the National Ag Safety Database:

I have included excerpts here that take Tim's accident into consideration, as we have had many questions related to the PTO...and the question, "How did this happen?"

Answer: It happened faster than fast.

"The power take-off (PTO) drive, found on most farm tractors, is a major power source for agricultural equipment. The PTO system efficiently transfers mechanical power from the tractor to the implement..."

In Tim’s case, the PTO was powering the manure spreader.

The PTO shaft was guarded. 

"PTO accidents can happen when the tractor is moving or stationary. Under normal conditions, the PTO should be disengaged, cutting the power from the tractor, before the operator dismounts. There are several reasons, however, for keeping the PTO engaged when the tractor is stationary:
  • Some machines, such as augers and silage blowers, are designed for stationary use of PTO power.
  • Maintenance procedures such as lubricating chains, sharpening knives, or checking the condition of moving parts may require that power be run to the machine."

In Tim’s case, the tractor was stationary. The PTO was running. The reason the PTO was running was to set the manure spreader into motion so that Tim could clean off / service the manure spreader. For Tim,  he remembers cleaning the manure spreader like this for "as long as he can remember." However, Tim no longer keeps the PTO running when he cleans off the manure spreader. 

"The environment may contribute to a PTO accident. Slippery conditions caused by rain, mud, snow, frost, or ice can cause an operator to lose his or her balance while mounting or dismounting a tractor or implement."

In Tim’s case, he was far from the spinning PTO shaft, but he accidentally slipped on a frozen cornstalk, hidden beneath the snow in the field. The slip / fall brought him too close to the PTO Universal Joint (U-Joint), when the loop from his Carharrts was instantly caught in the U-Joint.  

"Most PTO accidents and injuries occur when a person's clothing or hair becomes entangled with a part of the spinning PTO system. Protruding components such as the locking pin, bolt, cotter pin, grease fitting, nails, universal joint, and tractor spline readily hook and grab loose or dangling clothes or hair. Boot laces, pant legs, coat or shirt cuffs and tails, drawstrings on windbreakers or hooded sweatshirts, and scarves frequently get entangled. Cases have also been reported of long hair getting caught in PTOs.

Once clothing or hair is caught, the PTO's speed of rotation, combined with the power exerted by the tractor, makes escape unlikely and injury almost certain. Following are some typical outcomes:
  • Clothing is torn completely off the person, resulting in minor injuries such as friction burns, scrapes, sprains, and bruises.
  • Clothing is torn away, and in the process the PTO catches and tears loose or hanging skin.
  • Clothing is torn away, and part of the victim's body becomes wrapped up in the shaft or wedged against the machine resulting in severe injury, including lacerations, broken bones, strangulation, loss of limbs, fingers, or toes.
  • Clothing is not completely torn away, and the victim's body rotates with the shaft, causing multiple serious injuries or death.
  • Hair becomes entangled, resulting in partial or complete scalping."
In Tim's case, his clothing was torn off, and for this we give thanks to God. Had the clothing not been torn away, Tim would have continued to rotate with the shaft. Tim remembers rotating with the shaft 3 times. After the third time, the clothes were torn from him and he was thrown into the snowy field. Along with the rotation, he was beaten against the frame of the manure spreader. From the list above, it is consistent that Tim experienced severe injury, lacerations, broken bones, and he was scalped to the skull / closed-head injury. He also had a lower-limb crush injury.

Tim’s list of known injuries the night of the accident: multiple lacerations, scalp laceration, spleen laceration grade 2, left femur fracture, hip displacement, left rib fractures, lumbar 4-5 transverse process fractures, and lower left leg crush injury…

Beyond this, beyond words, God answered Tim's prayer and helped him back onto the tractor.

God granted Tim the presence of mind to drive the tractor to the road, and God provided help immediately.   

And so on and so on and so on. God kept providing, and He keeps providing. He keeps His promises! 

We have been asked this question, face to face, a handful of times since the accident:

"Is your husband being a little more careful around the PTO these days?"

Answer: Tim always has been, and always will be careful around the PTO. Accidents happen. And through this accident, how can we not glorify God for who He is? By God's grace alone, we choose to focus on and cling to God's Amazing Grace that He provides every. single. day. We cannot do this alone. We cling to God's promises! 

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
Romans 8:37-39

"Same Power" Jeremy Camp

I can see waters raging at my feet 
I can feel the breath of those surrounding me 
I can hear the sound of nations rising up 
We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome 
I can walk down this dark & painful road 
I can face every fear of the unknown 
I can hear all God's children singing out 
We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome!

The same power that rose Jesus from the grave 
The same power that commands the dead to wake 
Lives in us, lives in us 
The same power that moves mountains when He speaks 
The same power that can calm a raging sea 
Lives in us, lives in us, He lives in us, lives in us!

We have hope, that His promises are true 
In His strength, there is nothing we can't do 
Yes, we know, there are greater things in store 
We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome!

Greater is He that is living in me 
He's conquered our enemy 
No power of darkness 
No weapon prevails, we stand here in victory.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Stay strong in the Word. Stay strong in Prayer.

I Tim. 6:12: Fight the good fight of the faith.

May God Continue to Bless & Keep You!  

With Love,

Tim (41) and Teresa (39)
Caleb (13), Joel (12), Lilly (10) & Luke (8)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Aug. 2015 Update

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings from our home. We have been enjoying life in Christ to the fullest. 

"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer..."   from Phil. 1

We DO give thanks to God for each and every prayer. Gift. Minute. From our hearts to yours, Thank you! 

We give thanks to God for PROVIDING. Tim has been back to work full time @ Quality Machine and Automation in Holland, MI. He also continues to farm. Tim continues to physically heal (his leg/blood supply continues to accept the free flap of abdominal muscle well; the abdominal muscle continues to atrophy, etc.) Spiritually, the Lord continues to challenge and bless our hearts and lives, according to His will.

You can listen to a recent update/interview, Aug. 5, 2015 on our local 1450 AM WHTC radio 

Tim will verbally share what God has done in our lives this August with The 700 Club. We will welcome these producers into our home to interview, photograph & film. We will keep you posted regarding details. 

Tim has also accepted invitations to speak on upcoming dates, for local church groups, etc.

We are not ashamed to say that we are sinners saved by grace. We believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Will you join us as we share God's love with others? Most of the time, sharing God's love requires more action than words.  

From Colossians 3: 

"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. 

And be thankful.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

May God Be Glorified,

Tim and Teresa

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Giving Thanks to God for One Year Home: Prayer / Update Jan. 2015

Dear Ones,


We give thanks to God for one year of being home together as a family. 

Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014 marked Saturday to Saturday (almost one year) of the accident. 

Just like last year, Tim butchered & spread manure. Same equipment. This time, we give thanks to God that Tim returned home safely.

I asked our family of 6 for an early Christmas gift: family pictures. They were taken that afternoon on our farm. 

We spent the rest of the day and evening together at home. We watched the football game in the comfort of our home. 

We were grateful to welcome a flood of carolers from Borculo Church, who filled our family room, singing together. 

Moments like these take our breath away. How can it be that a year ago during the church's annual Christmas caroling night, that Tim was hurting so terribly, and now, here he stands, singing? How can this be? This is a reminder of God's power. God is to be feared and honored.

Sunday, Dec. 7, 2014

The one-year date of the accident. Falling on a Sunday, we are reminded of God's GRACE. He takes BROKEN THINGS and DEMONSTRATES GLORY. We continue to give God Alone all the glory.

Tim provides an update during the morning service at Borculo CRC. Donuts are served to the congregation following the service to celebrate one-year of life and healing in Christ. We rest at home as a family.

Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014

Tim speaks at family night @ Hamilton CRC.  

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014

We all (Tim, Teresa, Joel, Lilly & Luke) go to Caleb's (our oldest) first Borculo Christian School basketball game as a 7th grader. Last year at this time, Caleb was not cleared to play in basketball games due to a healing broken femur from a summer tubing accident. Tim was in the hospital. The amount of gratitude to God within our hearts overflows...simply to participate in life. Again, these moments are evidence of GOD'S POWERFUL, HEALING HAND! 

Friday, Dec. 12, 2014

Evidence of God's healing hand: Tim meets with Dr. Do (reconstructive surgeon). "Once a patient, always a patient." But no need to schedule another appointment at this time. For this, we give thanks to God!

Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014

We, Tim and Teresa, go to the Quality Machine and Automation (where Tim works) Christmas party, which takes place at BAM Bowling & Laser Tag in Holland.

Last year, while Tim was bed-bound at Spectrum, Tim's brother, Brent, sat in the hospital by Tim's side while Brent's wife, Nikki, was my "date" for Tim's work Christmas party, which at that time, took place just a few blocks from Spectrum in Grand Rapids. Meanwhile, our 4 children were being cared for by Mom Vander Zwaag, who had moved in to our home to care for them throughout Tim's entire hospitalization. 

And can this be that Tim is able to bowl? Thank you, Lord!

Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014

Sunday School Christmas Program at Borculo CRC, morning service. 

Last year, Joel, Lilly and Luke participated in this program. Friend Sue Wynia, nurse at Spectrum, was able to drive me home for the day after she finished her night shift. I watched the program from the back of church while Tim was in the hospital. 

How thankful we are this year to be able to sit by one another in church and see this program together!  

Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014

Evidence of God's healing hand: Tim meets with orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Ringler. No need to schedule another appointment at this time. Praise Jesus! 

Monday, Dec. 22, 2014

Morning: Tim leads morning devotions at Winning at Home in Zeeland. We meet many new friends and are reunited with dear old ones as well.

Evening: We get together with dear friends, Kelly & Kim Vander Zwaag for 2 "old men's" 40th birthdays. 

We are thankful to God for the amazing gift of being able to get out and celebrate these events, together, with loved ones! 

Thursday, Dec. 25, 2014

We celebrate Christmas at home. Not in Tim's hospital room like last year. Arrangements were made last year on Christmas night for Tim to be transferred the day after Christmas, also his birthday, from Spectrum to Mary Free Bed.

This year, Christmas parties took place in homes together, in which we were able to participate.

Vander Zwaag Christmas Party

Fauble Christmas Party

Friday, Dec. 26, 2014

Tim's 40th Birthday. 

Tim wanted to take a manure tour.

What's a manure tour?

A manure tour is when one drives slowly, for hours, throughout farmland and "takes it all in." 

What livestock is this farmer raising? What crops? What type? How does he set up his barns & systems? What type of equipment does he use? 

Our kids are used to manure tours. They are great travelers. :) We catch up about farms, life, etc. I'm involved in the conversation until my feet end up on the dash, my eyes close, just for "just a minute...", when I end up falling asleep. 

Everyone's happy on a manure tour.

We give thanks to God for Tim's 40th year of life.

Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014

Rung in the New Year with friends at Steve & Julie Meyaard's home. We give thanks to God for a night full of fun and laughter with families! Last year Tim was at Mary Free Bed on New Year's Eve. Following his sleep schedule, we said goodnight and he fell asleep at 8 pm. The kids were staying with me at The Inn @ Mary Free Bed. We got pizza and watched the ball drop on TV together. We give thanks to God that we are home! 


You know those lists of 2014 that people make as we ring in the new year?

We weren't expecting this, but apparently, this story made a "list": 

The most remarkable stories of 2014
according to MLive/credit to WOODTV8.

Again, thank you to those of you who let us know about this list! :) Many times, I ask myself, "Isn't there anything else going on around here on which to report?" It all continues to remain truly surreal to us. You could say that we are still reacting, responding and adjusting.

Monday, Jan. 12, 2015

We catch up with writer Jim Hayden from the Holland Sentinel, who visits us at home. The last time we saw Jim was 1 year ago, after Tim's reconstructive surgery. Tim's brother, Brent, and Brent and Nikki's twins, Ryan and Carter, were in the room as well, during the interview. Ryan, Carter and I watched aeromed take off and land from the window in Tim's hospital room that morning.

Here is the link to the recent article from the Holland Sentinel. As many of you made us aware, (thank you!) this story was also in the Grand Haven Tribune. Please remember, this is not our story; it is God's.

Grand Haven Tribune

Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015

Tim speaks at the Men's Breakfast at Hamilton CRC.

Tim grinds feed.

Sunday, Jan. 18, 2015

Tim speaks at North Street CRC, during Sunday School hour.

Friday, Jan. 23, 2015

Our son, Joel, wins the Geography Bee at school. We give thanks to God that we can celebrate and participate in life here at home with our children...from daily homework to basketball camps and games, to family board game times together, to Friday night pizza nights, to barn chores, to house chores, to simply sharing together in one another's lives. 

Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015

Our youngest son, Luke, loses a tooth. Last year, I was with Tim in GR when Luke lost his very first tooth. Grandma Vander Zwaag made an awesome tooth fairy! But today, we get to be Luke's tooth fairy. Think & say what you want, but these things matter to us.

Tim spreads manure and grinds one load of feed.

Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015

We give thanks to God for our daughter Lilly's 10th birthday. We are THRILLED to celebrate her birthday in our home, and not at Spectrum Rehab and Nursing Home on Kalamazoo Ave. in GR, like we did last year.

Friday, Jan. 30, 2015 

Tim speaks live on The Pledge Radio (96.5 FM/1260 AM).

RJ Wolcott from MLive visits our home. He asked us to share Tim's story with him, and we did. Why? Because it is not our story. It is God's. Why wouldn't we share it? We each have a story to share. Why NOT tell how God works in our lives?

13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.”[b] Since we have that same spirit of[c] faith, we also believe and therefore speak, 14 because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself. 15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:13-18

Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015

From Sat. - Sat. = one year home. Praise God!

Many times, we were told that Tim was going home. LONG before he was discharged. It was disappointing when (bless their hearts) detached, misinformed interns would walk into Tim's room and announce, "You're going home today!" When we knew they were wrong. 

Tim's eyes would light up with the news, but I would take the interns aside and explain that according to the surgeons, Tim is staying put, or being transferred to a different location. Not going home.

You need to understand that with the trauma, orthopedic and reconstructive teams of doctors involved with Tim's care, interns were simply unaware of all the details. 

After enough "You're going home!" announcements, I requested that only the surgeons announce news of transfer...because we realized home was far off, and to be told differently? No thanks.

Although docs shared a date of going home on the calendar, we chose to not share this date with our children, who were in our home with Tim's mom. We simply didn't want to disappoint them if the date had to be changed. 

...and on the 57th day...we went home. 

Tim rode in the backseat while I drove him home. He was in a lot of pain, but we made it. Due to atrophy, Tim had a very difficult time even sitting in a chair without a lot of support. 

I need more time to let the description of this day set in before I can truly share/write what it was like...for Mom Vander Zwaag, for our kids, for so many...

The only thing I can relate this experience to was bringing a baby home from the hospital. But this was different, because I was bringing my husband home from the hospital. Some of you have shared about times when you have walked similar roads...some of you continue to walk this road shared in a very understanding way..what it was like to be the spouse who needed care and what it was like for the spouse who was the caretaker. Thank you for reaching out to us. 

I was scared. I knew that the most demanding part for me was near. I realized that in addition for caring for our 4 children, the expectations of caring for Tim were high: helping him shower, medicate & clothe him, dress wounds/pressure sores, maintain an occupational and physical therapy schedule, schedule & get him to doctors' appointments in Holland & GR, etc. Thank you for your prayers. I have no doubt. Angels continue to surround our family.  

In-home nurses came to our home for scheduled appointments three days a week to evaluate Tim. On the opposite days, in-home physical therapists and occupational therapists worked with and evaluated Tim throughout the weeks and months ahead. I wanted to take the best care I could for Tim because I so wanted to keep Tim at home with us. 

Your prayers are not in vain. God continues to heal Tim and provides strength for me to help him. We give thanks to God for the continued meals that came in at that time, our freezer was stocked, you helped drive and visit Tim, you helped plow our driveway, kept our corn furnace working, and brothers Brent and Doug continued to help with barn chores. 

There's no place like home. And we give thanks to God that home is where He has had us stay for the last year. 

Continued to stand amazed, we give thanks to God for each day of life.

We give thanks to God for Tim's continued healing and strengthening. Movement at Tim's ankle & hip improves slowly but surely. Tim lives with a dull pain. Farming is going well. 

We give thanks to God for Quality Machine and Automation, Tim's full-time employer, for The City Deli and Farmhouse, where I am currently working. For beef customers. Thank you for your support.

We are humbled by the love and support and mostly, the prayers of a community who loves God above all.

Thank you for all you have done and for all you continue to do. 

Keep loving the Lord and claiming His promises. Keep sharing His love with the ones right beside you & beyond...with those who are familiar to you and with those who are not.

Some people have obvious needs. Some are not obvious. Ask God to give you hearts to sense how to help and serve those around you.

We will continue to post updates. We have dozens of unfinished posts yet to publish!

With Prayerful & Grateful Hearts,

Tim & Teresa, Caleb, Joel, Lilly & Luke Vander Zwaag

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified...for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Duet. 31:6